Casambi provides an entire ecosystem of products. All Casambi’s native products as well as all Casambi’s partners’ products are 100% compatible with each other. All Casambi Ready products are configured and used with the Casambi App, available for both iOS and Android. Please find more information about the technology here.
The Cornerstones of the Casambi Solution
Bluetooth Low Energy
The Casambi solution is based on Bluetooth Low Energy, the state-of-the-art wireless technology and the only low power wireless technology in all modern smartphones, tablets and even smart watches, making it the only mainstream and future proof low power radio technology in the world.
Bluetooth Low Energy was developed at Nokia Research Center where the founders of Casambi worked. That’s why Casambi has had the unique advantage in realising the potential of Bluetooth Low Energy early on. Casambi started the development of the solution before there were any Bluetooth Low Energy devices on the market.
Wireless Mesh Network
On top of Bluetooth Low Energy, the Casambi technology provides a mesh network where all the intelligence of the system is replicated in every node and, in such a way, creates a system with no single points of failure.
Such self-organizing wireless mesh network can control a large number of fixtures from any point. It also allows for firmware updates over the network, allowing any kind of changes to be made over-the-air. In this kind of fully distributed and symmetric architecture, any unit can go offline and catch up from others when they return back online.
The Casambi devices are smart on their own and only connected when needed. An Internet connection is not necessary for normal operation, it is just needed for user interface configurations to be sent or recalled from the cloud service.